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Proxy Encoder iSCSI client requirement

A Proxy Encoder server must be connected to a K2 SAN as an iSCSI client. The reasons for this requirement are as follows:

  • The Proxy Encoder server has the SiteConfig role of K2 FTP Server and runs the FTP server software. This FTP server software requires the connection to the K2 SAN as an iSCSI client in order to access the high resolution assets on the K2 SAN.
  • The Proxy Encoder software component that runs on the Proxy Encoder server uses FTP, so it must be configured to use a FTP server. To ensure that adequate FTP bandwidth is available, the FTP server used is the K2 FTP server on the Proxy Encoder server itself. This keeps the Proxy Encoder FTP traffic off of the K2 SAN's primary FTP servers.

So the requirement for an iSCSI client connection comes from the K2 FTP server, not the Proxy Encoder software.

Because the Proxy Encoder software does not require an iSCSI connection, it is possible to run the software on a GV STRATUS Express server which does not have an iSCSI connection. In this case the Proxy Encoder software is typically configured to use the FTP server on a stand-alone K2 Summit system. This suits the design goals of the Express system as a small system with low bandwidth requirements.

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