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Proxy Server/Storage set up process

Only systems with proxy on the K2 SAN (A1) or with proxy on dedicated Proxy Storage (B1, C1) require this process. Use SiteConfig for network setup and software install, then use K2Config for SAN setup.

If you received your proxy system already set up from Grass Valley, skip set up tasks and do the test task only.

  1. SiteConfig Proxy Server/Storage network set up. Only systems with proxy on the K2 SAN (A1) or with proxy on a dedicated Proxy Storage system (B1, C1) require this process.

  2. SiteConfig Proxy Server/Storage software install. Only systems with proxy on the K2 SAN (A1) or with proxy on a dedicated Proxy Storage system (B1, C1) require this process.

  3. K2Config Proxy server set up. Only systems with proxy on the K2 SAN (A1) require this process.

  4. K2Config Proxy Storage set up. Only systems with proxy on a dedicated Proxy Storage system (B1, C1) require this process.

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