Configuring FlashNet
Before you begin, verify the following:
- The FlashNet server must have sufficient storage for archived clips.
- The FlashNet server must be connected to the Control and streaming/FTP networks.
- The K2 system must be assigned with the role of FTP Server.
- Verify that K2 systems, GV STRATUS Core server, and the FlashNet device can all communicate with each other on the streaming/FTP network. Use the ping command at the MS-DOS command prompt to test each device's streaming/FTP network name, which includes the _he0 and _mxf suffixes.
- Log on to the FlashNet server.
- Make sure the FlashNet services are up and running.
- Launch the FlashNet Administration application.
Click the
Configuration Settings button
to open the FlashNet Configurator.
Select the Disk
Storage tab and add a storage path.
Note: : The allocated size should not exceed the size in the license.
- Right-click on the storage path and select Add to add volumes or bins to archive into.
- Select the Video Servers tab.
Right-click and select
Add Server.
The Edit video server details dialog opens.
Fill in the following information:
Server Name - Name of the K2 server that the FlashNet server
connects to. If applicable, enter the server name including the _he0 and _mxf suffixes. For MXF
archive, the _mxf
suffix must be at the end of the server name.
Note: To archive both GXF and MXF formats from a K2 server, make 2 entries of the K2 server name with _he0 suffix for GXF and _he0_mxf suffix for MXF.
- Manufacturer - Select GVG K2 Series.
- Server Type - Select Video Server.
- Top Level Directory - Enter /GXF or /MXF according to your archive MDI setting.
- Connection Port - Enter 0.
Note: When you add servers, update those server details in host tables of all devices that use them. Make sure server names with _he0 and _he0_mxf suffixes are added to your host tables. -
Server Name - Name of the K2 server that the FlashNet server
connects to. If applicable, enter the server name including the _he0 and _mxf suffixes. For MXF
archive, the _mxf
suffix must be at the end of the server name.
Click OK.
The K2 server is added to the FlashNet configuration.
Repeat above steps to add more K2 servers into the configuration.
- Select the Cluster Cache tab, and add the cache path to allow the cleanup and deletion of assets.
- Launch the FlashNet Storage Manager to continue with the cache cleanup configuration.
- Select the Defrag tab, and set the Defrag Mode to Perform Defrag And Overwrites.
- Enter 1 in the setting of Defrag when full tapes contain % of deleted data.
- To set the FTP user account, click Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and select Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio opens.
- Click Databases | flashnet | Tables.
Right-click on
dbo.COMMS_METHOD and select
Edit Top 200 Rows.
The table for video server opens.
- Check that all your newly added servers are in the table.
In the login column, do the following:
- For GXF archive, change from flashnet to movie.
- For MXF archive, change from flashnet to mxfmovie.
- In the max_connect column, change the number of maximum connection from 0 to 4.
- Click File | Save All and close the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
- Verify that you can FTP from the FlashNet server to the K2 server using the movie or mxfmovie user account.