Other Topic Library Versions

Adding keywords

You can add keywords to assets that are loaded in GV STRATUS Viewers. In the Sequence Viewer tool and in the Channel Panel tool you cannot add keywords, but you can add markers.

  1. Load the selected asset into the Viewer.
  2. If the logging controls are not shown, click the Show/Hide Control Tray button to show the controls, then the drop-down arrow at the right of the control tray and Add/Remove buttons if necessary.
  3. Click the Add Keyword button. ( `) The New Keyword dialog box opens.
  4. Enter the name of the keyword.

    You can also add the description, tags, rating, and angle if needed.

  5. Click OK.

The keyword is added to the asset. A symbol indicates its location. If you select a symbol the thumbnail associated with that point is loaded into the Viewer, and the slider is moved to that position.

If you hover the mouse pointer over a symbol, its thumbnail and properties appear.

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