Other Topic Library Versions

Viewing and copying version and status information

You can view version information and status information. If necessary, you can also copy the information and send it to Grass Valley support.

  • To access version information do the following:
    1. Click Help | About. The About dialog box opens.
    2. To copy the detailed system information, click the Copy Details button.
    3. When finished viewing or copying the information, click Close. The dialog box closes.
    4. Paste the copied information into a text file or email, and send it to Grass Valley support.
  • To access status information do the following:
    1. Click Help | Status. The Status message box opens.
    2. To copy status information, double-click a status message. A message box opens.
    3. Highlight the message information and press Ctrl + C.
    4. Paste the copied information into a text file or email, and send it to Grass Valley support.

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