Other Topic Library Versions

Uninstall software packages

  • The devices that you are upgrading must be in a deployment group.
  • You must have recently done the SiteConfig "Check Software" operation on the devices you are upgrading.
Apply these steps to uninstall software packages as follows:
  • If you have one or more Conform Servers, uninstall GrassValley_STRATUS_Conform_Engine_x.x.x.cab from those servers.
  • If you have one or more EDIUS XRE Servers, uninstall XREServer_x.x.x.cab from those servers.
  • If your system includes Aurora Playout, uninstall GV_STRATUS_Rundown_x.x.x.cab from the GV STRATUS Express/Core server and from GV STRATUS/Aurora Playout client PCs.
  1. In the Software Deployment | Deployment Groups tree view, select the device or the group of devices to which you are deploying software. The corresponding software deployment tasks are displayed in the Tasks list view.
  2. For the software you are deploying, select the Deploy check box in the row for the uninstall task.
  3. Unselect the Deploy check box for all other deployment tasks for all other software.
  4. Click the Start Deployment button. Deployment tasks run and software is uninstalled. Progress is reported and next steps are indicated in both the Status and Details columns.
  5. Perform manual steps if indicated, such as dismissing a dialog box on the device and/or restarting the device.
  6. Monitor progress as indicated by both the Status and Details column. When finished, the Status column indicates complete.

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